biz man on newspaperIf you are conducting your job search properly, then you are spending more time on working your network than any other tactic. To this day, networking is still the #1 way people find new jobs. But many clients seem perplex when they are told that they should have the best resume possible, even after their connection has come through with a job for that. “I don’t need the resume writer to make a strong resume. After all, I already have the job”. This is a consistently running theme I hear from clients in this position. But let’s take a minute and think about the situation past “today”.

Your network and connection may have gotten you on board, but there is still the need to “dot I’s and cross t’s”. You may have the job but there is still on-boarding documentation that needs to be filed with HR. You know, just in case 5 years down the line someone wants to know what made you qualify for the job. It would make your new employer look pretty bad if there was no paper trail that justified you’re hiring. You may be qualified, and your connection may know it. But individuals and other departments, or perhaps your future department head 8 months from now won’t know it.

Now, depending upon the type of work you do, it may be necessary to package the qualifications of a team that may be working with another organization. Your resume may serve as part of the engagement package future clients. Your resume will be used by your employer to secure new business and establish relationships. You will want to provide them with a resume worth presenting. And let’s face it, it will go a long way toward establishing your professionalism with the management team if you come in with a polished product. If it appears that you are taking things for granted by handing in any ol’ thing after you have already gotten the job, well, that tells them something else well.

And last but not least, remember that you are also representing your Network contact that brought you on board. The document that you submit to management reflects on them as much as it does you. If you want them to be available to assist you in the future, then you should be doing everything in your power to represent them well. A strong resume will tell management that your contact was looking out for the company when the decision was made, and not just you.

If any good resume writer or career professional will tell you, the job search it does not officially end when you get the job. Tying up loose ends is the sign of a true professional. Submit a strong resume regardless of the situation. You never know who may end up seeing it for future opportunities. Remember, when it comes to one’s career you should be playing checkers and not chess. Always consider the long game.