Job Search Preparation

Distributing your new and nicely formatted resume is only part of a fully functional and effective job search. Getting your world ready for the search is an important part of staying efficient, presenting yourself the right way and composing all of the proper tools to make sure the search takes as little time as possible. Being unprepared is not an option. After all, every day you are out of work means lost wages. Additionally, the longer you are out of work, the more employers fear you are unemployed for some reason they may not know.

This section of Career Management U. is designed to provide you information that will help you to build the infrastructure necessary to run a tight and efficient job search.

21 05, 2024

6 Reasons Why Women are Quitting Their Jobs (and How to Prepare If You Plan to be One of Them)

2024-05-31T15:35:30-05:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation, Work-Life Balance|

Women today are facing unprecedented pressures in the workforce, and the glass ceiling is only the beginning. Aside from obvious issues such as higher pay and better work-life balance, many women are quitting their jobs to make lateral career moves to avoid the glass ceiling or changing political climates. According to recent data from the [...]

12 05, 2024

Nail That Virtual Interview: Tips for Success

2024-05-31T15:34:25-05:00Career Management Help, Interviewing Help, Job Search Preparation|

  Whether you’re searching for remote or flexible work, relocating, or dealing with clients across the country, its likely you will have at least one remote job interview. According to recent studies, remote work has increased by 159% since 2005. So quite naturally, along with that is the increase the use of the virtual interview. [...]

15 03, 2024

Job Search Advice: Strategic Self-Promotion for Introvert Job Seekers

2024-03-28T15:48:19-05:00Career Management Help, Interviewing Help, Job Search Preparation, Work-Life Balance|

Navigating the job market can be a daunting process, especially for introverts who thrive in environments that respect their need for solitude and deep work. The key to a successful job hunt lies in tailoring your approach to suit your personal work style and preferences. This comprehensive guide offers targeted job search advice, specifically [...]

10 02, 2024

Think Like an Employer to Land the Job

2024-02-20T10:06:03-06:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation, Resume Writing Help|

It’s easy to get lost in the job search process, seeing things only from the perspective of your own stress. But looking at it from the employer’s point of view can prepare you to anticipate and fulfill their needs – and land the job that brings you professional satisfaction. Granular Research Your prospective employer is [...]

20 01, 2024

Employability Boosters: 5 Ways To Be More Employable NOW

2024-01-30T18:27:13-06:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation, Resume Writing Help|

New Year, new you? You’ve finally made the decision to focus on you next career move. But how does one make themselves more employable? Whether you’re ready to move up, change paths, or get back into the game, these five tips can help you be more employable and visible on the career front. Upskilling: Upgrade [...]

16 01, 2023

3 Essential Steps to Help You Survive a Layoff

2023-01-16T15:21:23-06:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation|

Why should you know how to survive a layoff? Because it can be lonely, confidence-draining, and financially debilitating. While our overall economic metrics may be improving, it isn't the case for everyone. 2023 has been an unsettling start for tech employees around the world, with 90+ different businesses having cut 24,000 tech jobs within the [...]


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