Work-Life Balance

30 05, 2024

Diversity and Inclusion: How to Combat Workplace Bias

2024-06-21T15:22:43-05:00Career Management Help, Work-Life Balance|

Although we live in the age of diversity and inclusion, many women report experiencing workplace bias, not only because of their gender, but also due to their race, sexual orientation, disability, or other aspects of their identity. And as one would expect, this compounded discrimination can affect workplace culture as well as the hiring process. [...]

21 05, 2024

6 Reasons Why Women are Quitting Their Jobs (and How to Prepare If You Plan to be One of Them)

2024-05-31T15:35:30-05:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation, Work-Life Balance|

Women today are facing unprecedented pressures in the workforce, and the glass ceiling is only the beginning. Aside from obvious issues such as higher pay and better work-life balance, many women are quitting their jobs to make lateral career moves to avoid the glass ceiling or changing political climates. According to recent data from the [...]

27 03, 2024

Face the Fear of Face-to-Face: Interviewing for Introverts

2024-09-23T12:48:13-05:00Career Management Help, Interviewing Help, Work-Life Balance|

It is the final stage of the job hunt. You’ve hooked them with the perfect resume (written by me, hopefully), made it through interviewing by phone, and wowed them with a perfect bio and a stellar online presence. But uh-oh, now it is time to meet some folks face-to-face. In-person interviewing can be the differentiating [...]

15 03, 2024

Job Search Advice: Strategic Self-Promotion for Introvert Job Seekers

2024-03-28T15:48:19-05:00Career Management Help, Interviewing Help, Job Search Preparation, Work-Life Balance|

Navigating the job market can be a daunting process, especially for introverts who thrive in environments that respect their need for solitude and deep work. The key to a successful job hunt lies in tailoring your approach to suit your personal work style and preferences. This comprehensive guide offers targeted job search advice, specifically [...]

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