great resume writersIf you have used resume writers in the past, one thing that I am sure you can attest to is that great resume writers do not grow on trees. Sure, anyone with a laptop and a toll free number can claim the title of resume writer. But the proof of legitimacy is in long-term consistency and getting clients into the interview room. To do so, and to do so consistently, requires analysis of the client situation as it relates to their collection of skills, experience, training and education. As such, every resume has its particular tactical and strategic attributes that are unique to their document.

Make no mistake, great resume writers also staring at their screens for hours on end waiting for that inspiration to hit them. But that blank stare is usually within the context of building a strategy that will speak to the most number of readers within the client’s target audience. This is why it is so critical to research and know the audience and what peaks their interest. And great resume writers will always make this a top priority when developing their game plan.

The idea is to achieve consistency for the client with regard to performance. When it comes to be random resume composed by either a novice or untrained professional, it is always possible to get one hit. Maybe two. After all, as they say, a broken clock is right twice a day, right? When great resume writers get their hands on your career documents, it then becomes not so much a Russian Roulette scenario, as it does a consistent stream of interview requests for positions of quality that will be high on your target list. What’s more, is that well-conceived resumes tend  improve your initial offer from companies seeking to hire you. And isn’t that the goal of the exercise? The reason is that you initiate the relationship with the perception of being the best available in comparison to the competition. You are starting off with a higher degree of clout!

When doing research for great resume writers, have a conversation. Get into their heads with regard to how they plan to approach your project. Perhaps some questions as to why your particular resume writing project would be different for someone with a similar background. Listen for the nuance. Listen for the attention to detail. Listen for the emphasis on customization. If you do not get a sense of this during your conversation, in your search for great resume writers should continue.